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1992 publications
- Chotai, A., Wang, C.L. and Young, P.C., (1992), Conditions for arbitrary pole assignability by input/output state-variable feedback, in N.K. Nichols and D.H. Owens (Eds.), The Mathematics of Control Theory, Oxford University Press, 87-97.
- Young, P.C., (1992), Parallel processes in hydrology and water quality, in Falconer, R.A. (Ed.), Water Quality Modelling, Ashgate Publishing Ltd, Aldershot, 10-52.
- Young, P.C., (1992), Parallel processes in hydrology and water quality, Journal of the Institute of Water and Environmental Management, 6, 598-612.
- Young, P.C. and Benner, S., (1992), microCAPTAIN (Computer Aided Program for Time-series Analysis and Identification of Noisy systems) handbook, Lancaster University.
- Young, P.C. and Beven, K.J., (1992), Computation of the Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph and Identifiable Component Flows with Application to Two Small Upland Catchments - Comment, Journal of Hydrology, 129, 389-396.
- Young, P.C. and Young, T.J., (1992), Environmetric methods of nonstationary time-series analysis: univariate methods, chapter 2 in Hewitt, N. (Ed.), Methods of Environmental Data Analysis, Elsevier Science Publishers Ltd., London, 37-78.

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