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2001 publications
- Ghavipanjeh, F., Taylor, C.J., Young, P.C., and Chotai, A., (2001), Data-based modelling and proportional-integral-plus (PIP) control of nitrate in an activated sludge benchmark, Water Science Technology, 44, 1, 87-94.
- Price, L.E., Bacon, M.A., Young, P.C., and Davies, W.J., (2001), High-resolution analysis of tomato leaf elongation: the application of novel time-series analysis techniques, Journal of Experimental Botany, 52, 362, 1925-1932.
- Schreider, S.Y., Young, P.C., and Jakeman, A.J., (2001), An application of the Kalman filtering technique for streamflow forecasting in the Upper Murray Basin, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 33, 6-7, 733-743.
- Taylor, C.J., Chotai, A. and Young P.C., (2001) Design and application of PIP controllers: robust control of the IFAC93 benchmark, Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 23, 183-200. (ISSN:0142-3312).
- Young, P.C., (2001), Data-based mechanistic modelling of environmental systems, Keynote paper at the IFAC Workshop on Environmental Systems, Tokyo, Japan.
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- Young, P.C., (2001), Data-based mechanistic modelling of and validation of rainfall-flow processes, appears in Model validation: perspectives in hydrological science edited by Anderson, M.G. and Bates, P.D., Chichester, J.Wiley, 117-161.
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- Young, P.C., (2001), Advances in Real-Time Flood Forecasting, CRES Report Number TR/176, Centre for Research on Environmental Systems and Statistics, I.E.N.S., Lancaster University.
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27/08/02 - PGM.