Measurement and DBM simulation of rainfall-runoff pathways
This long-term investigation aims to improve understanding of rainfall-runoff pathways within humid environments through their measurement and simulation with Data-Based Mechanistic (DBM) modelling methods such as those in the CAPTAIN Toolbox for Matlab. Interpretation involves interbasin comparison for regions with differing basin characteristics and weather systems.

The five objectives are:
- Direct measurement of response travel times from rainfall and runoff observations
- Direct measurement of controls on watershed dynamics
- Indentification of multiple pathways and controls using DBM identification
- Quantify the impact of land-use change and nature-based solutions (NbS) on rainfall-runoff response
- Quantify the role of rainfall-runoff pathways on sediment and solute transport
Cheng, Z., Zhang, J., Yu, B., Chappell, N. A., Meerveld, H.J. van and Bruijnzeel, L. A. 2023. Stormflow response and 'effective' hydraulic conductivity of a degraded tropical Imperata grassland catchment as evaluated with two infiltration models. Water Resources Research, 59: e2022WR033625. view online.
Mindham, D., Beven, K. and Chappell, N. 2023. Rainfall-streamflow response times for diverse upland UK micro-basins: quantifying hydrographs to identify the nonlinearity of storm response. Hydrology Research, 54(2): 233-244. view online, EIDC access to the data used in this paper.
Beven, K.J. and Chappell, N.A. 2021. Perceptual perplexity and parameter parsimony. WIREs Water 8(4): e1530 view online or view paper (pdf).
Wallace, E.E., McShane, G., Tych, W., Kretzschmar, A., McCann, T. and Chappell, N.A. 2021. The effect of hedgerow wild-margins on topsoil hydraulic properties, and overland-flow incidence, magnitude and water-quality. Hydrological Processes 35(3): e14098. view online or view paper (pdf).
Magliano, P.N., Mindham, D., Tych, W., Murray, F., Nosetto, M.N., Jobbagy, E.G., Rufino, M.C. and Chappell, N.A. 2019. Hydrological functioning of cattle ranching impoundments in the Dry Chaco rangelands of Argentina. Hydrology Research 50(6): 1596-1608 view online or view paper (pdf).
Mindham, D.A., Tych, W., and Chappell, N.A. 2018. Extended State Dependent Parameter modelling with a Data-Based Mechanistic approach to non-linear model structure identification. Environmental Modelling and Software, 104: 81-93. view online
Chappell, N.A., Jones, T.D., and Tych, W. 2017. Sampling frequency for water quality variables in streams: systems analysis to quantify minimum monitoring rates. Water Research, 123, 49-57. DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2017.06.047 view online or view paper (pdf).
Chappell, N.A., Jones, T.D., Tych, W. and Krishnaswamy, J. 2017. Role of rainstorm intensity underestimated by data-derived flood models: emerging global evidence from subsurface-dominated watersheds. Environmental Modelling and Software, 88: 1-9. DOI: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2016.10.009 view online or view paper (pdf).
Krishnaswamy. J., Chappell, N., Bhalla, R.S., Sankaran, M., Vaidyanathan, S., Badiger, S. and Varghese, S. 2017. Hydrologic and carbon services in the Western Ghats: Response of forest and agroecosystems to extreme rainfall events. Technical Report submitted to Ministry of Earth Sciences, Government of India. 67pp. download report.
Kabeya, N., Chappell, N.A., Tych, W., Shimizu, A., Asano, S. and Hagino, H. 2016. Quantification of the effect of forest harvesting versus climate on streamflow cycles and trends in an evergreen broadleaf catchment. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 61: 1716-1727. DOI:10.1080/02626667.2015.1027707. view online or view paper (pdf).
Kretzschmar, A., Tych, W., Chappell, N.A. and Beven, K.J. 2016. Reversing hydrology: quantifying the temporal aggregation effect of catchment rainfall estimation using sub-hourly data. Hydrology Research, 47: 630-645. DOI: 10.2166/nh.2015.076 view online.
Kretzschmar, A., Tych, W., Chappell, N.A. and Beven, K.J. 2016. What really happens at the end of the rainbow?: paying the price for reducing uncertainty (using reverse hydrology models). Procedia Engineering, 154: 1333-1340. view online or view paper (pdf).
Ampadu, B., Chappell, N.A., and Tych, W. 2015. Data Based Mechanistic modelling optimal utilisation of raingauge data for rainfall-riverflow modelling of sparsely gauged tropical basin in Ghana. Mathematical Theory and Modelling, 5(8): 29-49. view online.
Jones, T.D., Chappell, N.A. and Tych, W. 2014. First dynamic model of dissolved organic carbon derived directly from high frequency observations through contiguous storms. Environmental Science & Technology, 48: 13289-13297. doi: 10.1021/es503506m view online or as pdf and Supplementary Information (pdf).
Kretzschmar, A., Tych, W., and Chappell, N.A. 2014. Reversing Hydrology: estimation of sub-hourly rainfall time-series from streamflow. Environmental Modelling and Software, 60: 290-301. doi: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2014.06.017 view online, or as pdf.
Ockenden M.C., Chappell, N.A., and Neal, C. 2014. Quantifying the differential contributions
of deep groundwater to streamflow in nested basins, using both water quality characteristics and
water balance. Hydrology Research, 45: 200-212 doi:10.2166/nh.2013.035.
view abstract,
view paper (pdf).
Jones, T.D. and Chappell, N.A. 2014. Streamflow and hydrogen ion interrelationships identified using Data-Based Mechanistic modelling of high frequency observations through contiguous storms. Hydrology Research, 45(6): 868-892. doi: 10.2166/nh.2014.155 view online, or view paper (pdf).
Ockenden M.C., Chappell, N.A., and Neal, C. 2014. Quantifying the differential contributions
of deep groundwater to streamflow in nested basins, using both water quality characteristics and
water balance. Hydrology Research, 45: 200-212 doi:10.2166/nh.2013.035.
view abstract,
view paper (pdf).
Ampadu, B., Chappell, N.A. and Tych, W. 2013. Data-Based Mechanistic modelling of rainfall to riverflow of large nested tropical rainforest catchments in Ghana. Canadian Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, 7: 2405-2424. view paper (pdf).
Ampadu, B., Chappell, N.A. and Kasei, R.A. 2013. Rainfall-riverflow modelling approaches: making a choice of data-based mechanistic modelling approach for data limited catchments: a review.. Canadian Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences, 7: 2571-2580. view paper (pdf).
Wohl, E., Barros, A., Brunsell, N., Chappell, N.A, Coe, M., Giambelluca, T., Goldsmith, S., Harmon, R., Hendrickx, J., Juvik, J., McDonnell, J., and Ogden, F. 2012. The hydrology of the humid tropics. Nature Climate Change, 2: 655-662 doi: 10.1038/nclimate1556. view paper (pdf).
Chappell, N.A., Bonell, M., Barnes, C.J., and Tych, W. 2012. Tropical cyclone effects on rapid runoff responses: quantifying with new continuous-time transfer function models. In: Revisiting Experimental Catchment Studies in Forest Hydrology, Webb, A.A., Bonell, M. Bren, L. Lane, P.N.J., McGuire, D., Neary, D.G., Nettles, J., Scott, D.F., Stednik J. & Wang, Y. (eds) IAHS Publication 353, Wallingford, IAHS Press. 82-93. view paper (pdf), IAHS volume.
Chappell, N.A., and Tych, W. 2012. Identifying step changes in single streamflow and evaporation records due to forest cover change. Hydrological Processes, 26, 100-116 doi:10.1002/hyp.8115. view paper (pdf).
Ockenden M.C. and Chappell, N.A. 2011. Identification of the dominant runoff pathways from the data-based mechanistic modelling of nested catchments in temperate UK. Journal of Hydrology, 402, 71-79. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2011.03.001 view paper (pdf).
Chappell, N.A., and Tych, W. 2011. Identifying step changes in single streamflow and evaporation records due to forest cover change. Hydrological Processes, doi:10.1002/hyp.8115, in press. view paper (pdf).
Chappell, N.A., Discenza, A.R., Tych, W., Whittaker, J. and Bidin, K. 2009. Simulating hourly rainfall occurrence within an equatorial rainforest, Borneo Island. Hydrological Sciences Journal 54(3), 571-581. view abstract (htm), or paper (pdf).
Chappell, N.A., Tych, W. and Bonell, M. 2007. Development of the forSIM model to quantify positive and negative hydrological impacts of tropical reforestation. Forest Ecology and Management 251, 52-64. view paper (pdf) (Special Issue on 'Planted forests and water')
Chappell, N.A., Tych, W., Chotai, A., Bidin, K. Sinun, W. and Thang
H.C. 2006. BARUMODEL: Combined Data Based Mechanistic models of runoff response
in a managed rainforest catchment. Forest Ecology and Management 224, 58-80.
view abstract (htm) or paper (pdf)
Solera-Garcia, M., Chappell, N.A., and Tych, W. 2006. Identification of the distribution of hydroclimatic cycles of field observations in Southeast Asia. In: Climate Variability and Change - Hydrological Impacts, Demuth, S., Gustard, a., Planos, E., Scatena, F., and Sevat, E. (eds). IAHS Publication 308, Wallingford, IAHS Press. 356-361. view paper (pdf) or issue contents
Chappell, N.A., Tych, W., Yusop, Z. N.A. Rahim, and Kasran, B. 2004.
Spatially-significant effects of selective tropical forestry on water, nutrient
and sediment flows: a modelling-supported review. In Forests, Water and
People in the Humid Tropics, Bonell M. and Bruijnzeel, L.A. (Eds), Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge. p 513-532. view
abstract (htm) or paper (pdf) or
book details or
Chappell, N.A., Bidin, K., Sherlock, M.D., and Lancaster, J.W. 2004. Parsimonious spatial representation of tropical soils within dynamic, rainfall-runoff models. In Forests, Water and People in the Humid Tropics, Bonell M. and Bruijnzeel, L.A. (Eds), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. p 756-769. view abstract (htm) or paper (pdf) or book details or intro
Chappell, N.A., Bidin, K., and Tych, W. 2001. Modelling rainfall and
canopy controls on net-precipitation beneath selectively-logged tropical forest.
In Tropical Forest Canopies: Ecology and Management, K.E. Linsenmair,
A.J. Davies, B. Fiala, M.R. Speight (eds), Kluwer : Dordrecht (ISBN:
0-7923-7049-X), 215-229. book details (htm).
Chappell, N.A., Bidin, K., and Tych, W. 2001. Modelling rainfall and
canopy controls on net-precipitation beneath selectively-logged tropical forest.
Plant Ecology, 153, 215-229. (Special Issue on Tropical Forest
Canopies). view
abstract (htm) or paper (pdf)
Chappell, N.A., McKenna, P., Bidin, K., Douglas, I., and Walsh, R.P.D.
2000. Parsimonious modelling of water and suspended-sediment flux from
nested-catchments affected by selective tropical forestry. In Changes and
disturbance in tropical rainforest in South-East Asia, (Eds) D.M. Newbery,
T.H. Clutton-Brock and G.T. Prance. Imperial College Press, London (ISBN:
1-86094-243-1), 107-122. book details
Chappell, N.A., McKenna, P., Bidin, K., Douglas, I., and Walsh, R.P.D.
1999. Parsimonious modelling of water and suspended-sediment flux from
nested-catchments affected by selective tropical forestry. Phil. Trans. Roy.
Soc. Lond. B,, 354, 1831-1846. view paper (pdf)
Funding sources
NERC; Malaysian Government; Yayasan Sabah Group; Thai Government; Ghanaian Government
Dr Nick A Chappell; Dr Wlodek Tych; Dr Waidi Sinun; Dr Mary Ockenden; Dr Kawi Bidin; Prof Mike Bonell; Dr Sukanya Vongtanaboon; Dr Boateng Ampadu; Dr Mark Sherlock; Dr Maria Solera-Garcia; Prof Jeff Mcdonnell; Dr Tony Greer; Mr Jadda Suhaimi; Mr Hardy Mangkawasa; Mr Mohd Jamal Hanapi; Mr Hamza Rusitim; Mr Sallehudin Jail
International collaborations
Yayasan Sabah Group (CESD), Malaysia
Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia
Available PhD, MPhil or MSc project topics
1. Field measurement and simulation of runoff processes in the Baru catchment, Borneo.
2. Quantifying runoff processes in Maliau Basin, Borneo.
Email enquires to Dr Nick A Chappell and applications via LEC-PG website
Related research
Bonell, M., 2004. Runoff generation in tropical forests. In: Bonell, M., Bruijnzeel, L.A.(Eds.), Forests, Water and People in the Humid Tropics: Past, Present and Future. Hydrological Research for Integrated Land and Water Management, UNESCO International Hydrology Series. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, pp. 314-406.
Bonell, M., Gilmour, D.A., Cassells, D.S., 1983. A preliminary survey of the hydraulic properties of rainforest soils in tropical north-east Queensland and their implication of or the runoff process. In: de Ploey, J. (Ed.), Rainfall Simulation Runoff and Soil Erosion. Catena Supplement, vol. 4. pp. 57-78.
Bruijnzeel, L.A., 1990. Hydrology of Moist Tropical Forest and Effects of Conversion: a State of Knowledge Review. UNESCO, Paris and Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 226 pp.
Bruijnzeel, L.A., 2004. Hydrological functions of tropical forest: not seeing the soil for the trees? Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 104, 185-228. doi:10.1016/j.agee.2004.01.015.
Elsenbeer, H., Vertessy, R.A., 2000. Stormflow generation and flowpath characteristics in an Amazoonian rainforest catchment. Hydrological Processes 14, 2367-2381.
Loos, M., Elsenbeer, H. 2011. Topographic controls on overland flow generation in a forest - An ensemble tree approach. Journal of Hydrology 409(1-2), 94-103.
Ziegler, A.D., Negishi, J.N., Sidle, R.C., Noguchi, S., Nik, A.R., 2006. Impacts of logging disturbance on hillslope saturated hydraulic conductivity in a tropical forest in Peninsular Malaysia. Catena 67 (2), 89-104. doi:10.1016/j.catena.2006.02.008.
Zimmermann, B., Elsenbeer, H., 2009. The near-surface hydrological consequences of disturbance and recovery: a simulation study. Journal of Hydrology 364 (1-2), 115-127.
Please email Dr Nick A Chappell for further information on the BaruMOD project