Effect of canopy and subsurface wetness on evapotranspiration and streamflow generation within a tropical rainforest basin
This study is a component of the OP3-Danum-08 project. The aim is to model canopy wetness and soil wetness and quantify their role in water cycling and runoff generation. Fieldwork is centred in the Sapat Kalisun Catchment (Malaysian Borneo) that includes the Baru tributary catchment. The CAPTAIN Toolbox is used for the modelling.

The three objectives are:
- Model the relation between meteorological variables, canopy wetness profiles and wet-canopy evaporation
- Model role of soil moisture within the rainfall-runoff system of a tropical basin
- Quantify the value of canopy wetness and soil moisture content observations to the simulation of wet-canopy evaporation and streamflow generation
Kretzschmar, A., Tych, W., and Chappell, N.A. 2014. Reversing Hydrology: estimation of sub-hourly rainfall time-series from streamflow. Environmental Modelling and Software, in press. doi: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2014.06.017 view abstract, view paper (pdf).
Wohl, E., Barros, A., Brunsell, N., Chappell, N.A, Coe, M., Giambelluca, T., Goldsmith, S., Harmon, R., Hendrickx, J., Juvik, J., McDonnell, J., and Ogden, F. 2012. The hydrology of the humid tropics. Nature Climate Change, 2: 655-662 doi: 10.1038/nclimate1556. view paper (pdf).
Chappell, N.A., Suhaimi, J., Sinun, W., Tych, W., Urban, S., and Bidin, K. 2008. Characterising nonlinear effects of canopy & soil-water storage on the tropical water cycle during NERC OP3 campaigns. Presented at the NCAS Atmospheric Science Conference 2008. 8-10 December 2008, Bristol, UK.
Hewitt, C.N., Lee, J., MacKenzie, A.R., Barkley, M.P., Carslaw, N., Carver, G.D., Chappell, N.A., Coe, H., Collier, C., Commane, R., Davies, F., Davison, B., DiCarlo, P., Di Marco, C.F., Dorsey, J.R., Edwards, P.M.,Evans, M.J., Fowler, D., Furneaux, K.L., Gallagher, M., Guenther, A., Heard, D.E., Helfter, C., Hopkins, J., Ingham, T., Irwin, M., Jones, C., Karunaharan, A., Langford, B., Lewis, A.C., Lim, S.F., MacDonald, S.M., Mahajan, A.S., Malpass, S., McFiggans, G., Mills, G., Misztal, P., Moller, S., Monks, P.S., Nemitz, E., Nicolas-Perea, V., Oetjen, H., Oram, D., Palmer, P.I., Phillips, G.J., Pike, R. Plane, J.M.V., Pugh, T., Pyle, J.A., Reeves, C.E., Robinson, N.H., Stewart, D., Stone, D., Whalley, L.K. and Yin, X. 2009. Overview: oxidant and particle photochemical processes above a south-east Asian tropical rain forest (the OP3 project): introduction, rationale, location characteristics and tools. Atmos. Chem. Phys. 10(1), 169-199. view paper (pdf).
Funding sources
NERC (ESA7807)
Dr Nick A Chappell; Mr Jadda Suhaimi; Dr Wlodek Tych; Prof Nick Hewitt; Dr Waidi Sinun; Ms Siniarovina Urban; Dr Kawi Bidin; Mr Hamza Rusitim; Mr Sallehudin Jail
International collaborations
Malaysian Meteorological Department, Malaysia
Impact & policy implications
See wider context of the project on the OP3 website
Available PhD, MPhil or MSc project topics
Email enquires to Dr Nick A Chappell and applications via LEC-PG website
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Herbst, M., Rosier, P.T.W., McNeil, D.D., Harding, R.J. and Gowing, D.J. 2008. Seasonal variability of interception evaporation from the canopy of a mixed deciduous forest. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 148(11), 1655-1667.
Kumagai, T., Yoshifuji, N., Tanaka, N., Suzuki, M. and Kume, T. 2009. Comparison of soil moisture dynamics between a tropical rainforest and a tropical seasonal forest in Southeast Asia: impact of seasonal and year-to-year variations in rainfall. Water Resources Research 45, W04413, doi:10.1029/2008WR007307.
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Kume, T., Manfroi, O. J., Kuraji, K., Tanaka, N., Horiuchi, T., Suzuki, M. and Kumagai, T. 2008. Estimation of canopy water storage capacity from sap flow measurements in a Bornean tropical rainforest. Journal of Hydrology 352(3-4), 288-295.
Kume, T., Manfroi, O. J., Suzuki, M., Tanaka, K., Kuraji, K., Nakagawa, M., Komatsu, H. and Kumagai, T. 2008. Estimation of vertical profiles of leaf drying times after rainfall within a Bornean tropical rainforest. Hydrological Processes 22(18), 3689-3696.
Kume, T., Tanaka, N., Kuraji, K., Komatsu, H., Yoshifuji, N., Saitoh, T. M., Suzuki, M. and Kumagai, T. 2011. Ten-year evapotranspiration estimates in a Bornean tropical rainforest. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 151(9), 1183-1192.
McNamara, J.P., Tetzlaff, D., Bishop, K., Soulsby, C., Seyfried, M., Peters, N.E., Aulenbach, B.T., and Hoope, R. 2011. Storage as a metric of catchment comparison. Hydrol. Process. 25, 3364-3371
Teklehaimanot, Z. and Jarvis, P.G. 1991. Direct measurement of evaporation of intercepted water from forest canopies. Journal of Applied Ecology 28, 603-618.
Zehe, E., Graeff, T., Morgner, M., Bauer, A., and Bronstert, A. 2010. Plot and field scale soil moisture dynamics and subsurface wetness control on runoff generation in a headwater in the Ore Mountains. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 14, 873-889.
Please email Dr Nick A Chappell for further information on the OP3water project