Working with Natural Processes - National NFM Opportunity Mapping (high runoff soils)
Mar to Aug 2017
To develop two new Open Access opportunity map layers for the Environment Agency Working with Natural Processes (WwNP) programme, namely on 1/ floodplain reconnection opportunities, and 2/ high runoff areas suited to tree planting. The latter Lancaster component is based on ideas in Chappell and Ternan (1992 Hydrol Process), and evaluates a new model for predicting areas of 'slowly permeable soils' using high resolution British Geological Survey drift data (kindly made available to the project).

Funding sources
Environment Agency via JBA subcontract (EAA7508)
Barry Hankin (Overall PI at JBA), Ian Craigen (JBA), Nick A Chappell (Lancaster PI), Trevor Page.
Project Publications
Beven, K., Page, T., Hankin, B., Smith, P., Kretzschmar, A. Mindham, D. and Chappell, N. 2022. Deciding on fitness-for-purpose - of models and of natural flood management. Hydrological Processes 36: e14752. view online, EIDC access to the data used in this paper. This paper used Runoff Attenuation Data (RAF) data generated by Hankin et al. (2017, 2018).
Hankin, B., Chappell, N.A., Page, T.J.C., Kipling, K., Whitling, M. and Burgess-Gamble, L. 2018. Mapping the potential for Working with Natural Processes - technical report. SC150005/R6. Environment Agency, Bristol. 77pp view online or view report (pdf).
Hankin, B., Chappell, N.A., Page, T.J.C., Kipling, K., Whitling, M. and Burgess-Gamble, L. 2017. Mapping the potential for Working with Natural Processes - user guide. SC150005/R3. Environment Agency, Bristol. 92pp view online or view report (pdf).
The public datasets generated for JBA Consulting and the Environment Agency may be viewed on the following websites:
Published online WwNP interactive maps for England hosted by JBA Consulting.
Also published on JBA Trust online catalogue of nature-based flood risk management projects in the UK by selecting the check boxes.