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S ENV343 Water Supply
There are no lectures or practicals in week 6; the module starts in week 7.
You can, however, read the introductory materials and handouts for the first lecture, which
are available on the 'Downloads' page of this website
United Utilities are providing a guided tour of the Rivington reservoir
and water treatment works. There are two replicated trips on Wed 29th Nov 2006 (wk8) and Wed 13th Dec 2006 (wk10).
Places on each of the two trips is limited to 20, and you need to sign up for one of these visits on the sheet in
the ES Part II Teaching Office by 10:30am, Mon 4th December 2006. We depart from the ES
loading bay at 12:20pm prompt.
After 10 am, Monday 20th Nov 2006, and when you have decided on your seminar
topic - sign up with ES Part II Teaching Office.
for submitting titles is 10:30am, Mon 4th December 2006 (so that I can draw up the lists).
Final lists will be published on the
noticeboard on 5th December 2006. If you wish to use MS Powerpoint,
you will need to deposit a
floppy disk or CD at the ES Part II Teaching Office (no emails), no latter
than 10:30am (to ES Part II Teaching Office)
4th December 2006 (so that I can add them to the computer). Remember to
choose papers (or chapters) that contain
lots and lots of references and cite these during your presentation.
Workbook submission:
Deadline for submission of your workbook to the ES Part II Teaching Office (ENV343)
or ES Postgrad Office (ENV447) is 4pm, Thursday 14th December 2006. Don't forget to include
the seminar paper title on the second page of the booklet.
Copyright ©
Dr. Nick Chappell, Lancaster University 2006.