Recently funded projects
Phenotyping root function in wheat
A joint project with Rothamsted Research, funded by the BBSRC Crop Improvement Club (2012-2015).
The role of lateral exchange in modulating the seaward flux of CNP
Part of a consortium led by Queen Mary University London, funded by the NERC Macronutrients Cycles program (2012-2015). The project quantified both the flux and dynamics of the lateral exchange of organic C between landscape and rivers, and how this in turn modulates the flux of N and P towards the coast. The central hypothesis was that not only does lateral hydrological exchange (a function of underlying geology and human influence) play a key role in modulating and transforming the flux of C from catchment to coast, but that the resultant flux and dynamics of C is key to regulating the cycling of N and P. The project tested this principle hypothesis by making parallel measurements between the landscape and rivers in contrasting geologies (clay, greensand and chalk) of the Hampshire Avon. The project focussed on six different sub-catchments to work across a gradient of baseflow index (BFI). For more information see Rovelli et al.(2018), Heppell et al.(2017), Rovelli et al.(2017), Lansdown et al.(2016).Geoelectrical Measurement of Multi-Scale Mass Transfer Parameters
Part of a consotrium led by USGS, funded by US Department of Energy(2010-2013). This project established relationships between solute mass transport properties and electrical conductance/polarisation. Our general hypothesis was that some key electrical properties of a soil can give useful insight into physical factors (such as immobile pore volume and surface area) that influence reactive transport in porous media. For more information see Swanson et al.(2015).Hydrogeological characterization of permafrost variability
Part of a consotrium including UEA, UK; UNIS (Svalbard), Norway, Rutgers University, US; Michigan State University, US, funded by the Norwegian Research Council (2014).
This project exploried the variability of deep permafrost in the typical Arctic fluvial sedimentary aquifer system present in the Adventdalen river valley, Svalbard. We used controlled source MT (Lancaster) and surface NMR (Rutgers) to assess the variability of thickness and composition (e.g. extent of free water) with a view to understanding the current and future connectivity of deep groundwater and surface water. For more information see Keating et al.(2018).
Other previously funded projects
Binley, A., Model driven Soil Probing, Site Assessment and Evaluation, EU FP7, (2008-2012).Binley, A., A geophysical characterization and monitoring strategy for determining hydrologic processes in the hyporheic corridor at the Hanford 300-area, US Department of Energy, £25k to Lancaster (2008-2011).
Binley, A. Advancing hydrogeophysical quantification of hydraulic conductivity, PhD Studentship, US National Science Foundation (NSF) £63k to Lancaster as part of larger bid led by Rutgers University, (2008-2011).
Baird, A. (Queen Mary, London) & A. Binley, Efflux of methane (CH4) to the atmosphere from northern peatlands via ebullition: the role of plants and peat structure, NERC (2008-2011).
Heathwaite, A.L., A.Binley, S.Krause, H.Zhang, K.Heppell (Queen Mary, London) & Trimmer (Queen Mary, London), Implications of groundwater-surface water connectivity for nitrogen transformations in the hyporheic zone, NERC (2008-2011).
Binley, A., Selecting genes for function: Exploiting genetic diversity to manage the biophysical interactions in grassland soils, BBSRC (part of larger bid led by IGER) (2006 - 2008).
Binley, A., Complex Resistivity Tomography Imaging of Mineshafts, British Geological Survey (2004-2005).
Binley, A. , Investigating the potential for long-term Permeable Reactive Barrier (PRB) monitoring from the electrical signatures associated with reduction in reactive iron performance, US Department of Energy (Rutgers University) (2002-2005).
Binley, A. & A. Young (CEH), Investigating stream-groundwater interactions in lowland chalk catchments using hydrogeophysical characterisation of the riparian zone, NERC (2002-2005).
Butler, A. (Imperial), D. Peach (BGS) and A. Binley, Investigation of groundwater flow heterogeneity in Chalk aquifers using detailed borehole arrays and stochastic modelling techniques, NERC (2002-2005).
Binley, A., Hydrological characterisation of partially saturated soils with the support of spectral induced polarisation measurements, NERC (2002-2004).
Binley, A., Evaluating environmental barrier performance, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA (2002-2003).
Li, L. (Edinburgh), A. Barry (Edinburgh), H. Prommer (Edinburgh) & A. Binley, Dynamics of flow and chemical transport / transformations in a subterranean estuary, Leverhulme Trust (2001-2003).
West, L.J. (Leeds) & A. Binley, Vadose zone flow mechanisms in hydraulically layered aquifers using time domain reflectometry, NERC (2000-2002).
Binley, A., Improved Electrical Geophysical Tomographic Methods for Characterisation of Leaks from Waste Disposal and Storage Facilities, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA (1998).
Binley, A. and L.J.West (Leeds), Characterisation of the unsaturated hydraulic properties of the Sherwood Sandstone, NERC (1998-2000).
Binley, A., Electrical Resistivity Tomography Investigation of the Drigg Site, British Nuclear Fuels plc.(1996-1997).
Hubbard, B. (Aberyswyth) & A. Binley, Geophysical Investigations of the Presence and Character of Englacial Meltwater Drainage Pathways, NERC (1996-1997).
Stewart, D.I.(Leeds), L.J. West (Leeds) & A.M.Binley, Electrokinetic Decontamination and Injection with Natural Soil: A Laboratory Study, EPSRC (1995-1997)
Binley, A. and K. Beven, Lancaster contribution to WEEL European Water Resources Network, EU (1994-1995)
Beven, K. and A.Binley, Lancaster contribution to European Groundwater Network (EUGREP), EU (1994-1995)
Binley, A. and F.J. Dickin (UMIST), Analysis of Solute Transport in Heterogeneous Soils, NERC (1994-1996).
Binley, A. and F.J. Dickin (UMIST), Electrical Impedance Tomography of Tracer Migration in Structured Soils, NERC (1992-1993).
Beven, K., J. Hamilton-Taylor and A. Binley, Teaching Company Programme between Lancaster University and British Nuclear Fuels plc, SERC & BNFL (1991-1993).
Beven, K., P.C. Young and A. Binley, Hardware Support for Uncertainty Estimation in Non-Linear Dynamic Models of Environmental Systems, NERC (1990).
Binley, A. and K. Beven, Transputer Based Modelling of Contaminant Transport from Engineered Waste Repositories, SERC (1990-1992).
Beven, K. and A. Binley, Transputer Based Modelling of Contaminant Transport from Engineered Waste Repositories, British Nuclear Fuels plc. (1990).