Resistivity and induced polarization inversion software (free to download)
ProfileR has been designed for surface array resistivity imaging. ProfileR is an inverse solution for a 2-D resistivity distribution based on computation of 3-D current flow using a quadrilateral finite element mesh. The inverse solution is based on a regularised objective function combined with weighted least squares (an Occams type solution). The code supplied has been compiled for Intel compatable processors, users working on different platforms should contact the author.

The R family of codes
A set of four codes have been developed to allow forward and inverse modelling of 2D and 3D DC resistivity and induced polarization (complex resistity). The meshing and data input are similar for all codes.
R2 is a forward/inverse modelling code for 2-D resistivity problems. Regions are discretised in a quadrilateral or triangular mesh.

cR2 is is a forward/inverse modelling code for 2-D complex resistivity (induced polarization) problems. cR2 is based on R2 and has a similar input/output structure.

R3t is a forward/inverse solution for 3D current flow in an unstructured (tetrahedral) or structured (triangular prism) mesh.

cR3t is a forward/inverse solution for 3-D complex resistivity (induced polarization) problems using unstructured (tetrahedral) or structured (triangular prism) mesh. cR3t using the same meshing structure as R3t but treats resistivity as a complex parameter (defined in terms of magnitude and phase angle). cR3t runs in a 64bit Intel compatible processor (64bit is necessary for running large problems).

Links to software useful for the above codes
ParaView - open source data visualisation software - ParaView
Mesh generator with graphical interface - Gmsh